Saturday 6 July 2013


The glorious Golden Snitch!

Mum has lots of experience in making cake pops from my sister's 18th dessert party, and we didn't have much time to create a cake. So with that in mind, we decided to make one giant cake pop - just without the stick. So we bought 3 packet mixes of vanilla cake (going all out guys) and baked them, and then crumbled the cake, mixed it with delivious vanilla icing and put it together. It was like making a sandcastle trying to get the shape right hahaha. It wasn't really forming into a ball so mum had the genius idea of picking it up on the baking paper it was on, putting it into a plastic bag and shaping it in there. We then left it to set overnight so it would harden because it was still really crumbly.
Next morning - party morning :') we took it out of the fridge and plastic bag and set it on mum's cake stand. We then just made icing with icing sugar and added some yellow food colouring, we put that in a piping bag and mum got to work on icing it.
For the wings, I melted white chocolate and put them into this cool syringe looking cake decorator thing and piped them out, copying a design off the movie snitch. That set overnight too. And to attach them to the cake, we cut slits in the side and put in the wings, and then filled it in with more icing so it would stay. We had made bigger wings (shown lying on the cake stand) but they snapped quickly so we used our backup smaller ones. Super proud of it considering the small amount of time we put into it!!

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